NAC-CNA email template previews

One-click survey EN FR BI

Funnel: Patrons for whom we have no language-preference data

One-click survey - Fall 2018 EN FR

Funnel: Patrons for whom we have contact info but have not been de-anonymized

One-click survey - Winter 2020 EN FR

Funnel: Patrons for whom we have contact info but have not been de-anonymized

Abandoned browse - event EN FR BI

Funnel: sent the day after a patron visits an event page but makes no purchase

Recommendations EN FR

Funnel: sent to non-subscriber patrons who have not purchased in x months

Single-ticket "Thank you" EN FR

Funnel: all single ticket purchasers

Single-ticket "Thank you" with calendar link EN

Funnel: all single ticket purchasers

Know before you go EN FR

Funnel: all attendees, 3 days before their visit, frequency limited to 5 days

Know before you go (Static version) EN FR

Funnel: all attendees, manually sent via TM Messenger

Post-performance survey EN FR

Funnel: all attendees (subscribers and single ticket buyers), sent the day after their visit, frequency limited to 5 days


Detractor EN FR

Funnel: all single ticket buyers who rated experience between a 1-3, sent once per season


Promoter EN FR

Funnel: all one-time single ticket buyers who rated experience between a 8-10, sent once per season

Subscriber thank you

2018-2019 subscribers EN FR

2019-2020 subscribers EN FR

2020-2021 subscribers EN FR

Funnel: all subscribers, the day after they purchase an event package

Abandoned browse - event for non-renewed subscriber EN FR

Funnel: 2017-2018 subscribers who have not renewed and have browsed package page(s), only sent once, between June 5 and July 1 2018

National Creation Fund June 2018 campaign EN FR

Abandoned donation EN

Funnel: donors or potential donors who have left the form before completing payment

Foundation seat campaign EN

Funnel: active donors

Compressed versions

Global footer


NAC Foundation EN FR

One-click survey - Fall 2018 EN FR

Funnel: Patrons for whom we have contact info but have not been de-anonymized

One-click survey - Winter 2020 EN FR

Funnel: Patrons for whom we have contact info but have not been de-anonymized

Abandoned browse - event EN FR

Funnel: sent the day after a patron visits an event page but makes no purchase

Single-ticket "Thank you" EN FR

Funnel: all single ticket purchasers

Know before you go EN FR

Funnel: all attendees, 3 days before their visit, frequency limited to 5 days

Know before you go (Static version) EN FR

Funnel: all attendees, 3 days before their visit, frequency limited to 5 days

Post-performance survey EN FR

Funnel: all attendees (subscribers and single ticket buyers), sent the day after their visit, frequency limited to 5 days


Detractor EN FR

Funnel: all single ticket buyers who rated experience between a 1-3, sent once per season


Promoter EN FR

Funnel: all one-time single ticket buyers who rated experience between a 8-10, sent once per season

Subscriber thank you

2018-2019 season EN FR

Funnel: all 18-19 subscribers, sent once per season, the day after they subscribe/renew

2019-2020 season EN FR

Funnel: all 19-20 subscribers, batch-sent once every week (on Fridays)

2020-2021 season EN FR

Funnel: all 19-20 subscribers, batch-sent once every week (on Fridays)

Abandoned package browse for non-renewed subscriber EN FR

Funnel: 2017-2018 subscribers who have not renewed and have browsed package page(s), only sent once, between June 5 and July 1 2018

National Creation Fund June 2018 campaign EN FR


☝ Tips & tricks

  • Separate spacer elements from other content(new container, row & colum)
  • Define widths on ALL images, including fullwidth
  • Styles with mso- prefix may be stripped out, try to target Outlook in other ways
  • Use {{{{raw}}}}leave this alone{{{{/raw}}}} preprocessor for things Inky should not render
  • Use {{{{content-editable}}}}dynamic element to be edited in post{{{{/content-editable}}}} to wrap with "Dynamic" comments for easy finding